Can You Afford to Replace Your Home?
If you woke up tomorrow and learned a major storm was barreling your way, would you be ready? Not “grab the flashlight and emergency preparedness kit” kind of ready, though that’s certainly important. We’re talking about being able to replace your home should a storm, or other disaster, leave it heavily damaged or in ruins. Although admittedly not the most exciting activity on anyone’s to-do list, taking time now to understand exactly what your homeowners policy does and doesn’t cover could save you a lot of money in the long run. For example, let’s say your house was insured for […]
The Best Type Of Car To Buy For A Teenage Driver
Now that your Katy, Texas teen has completed drivers ed, passed their Texas licensing exam and received their driver’s license, it is time to start thinking about buying another car. Sure, you could share the family vehicle with your teen, but that gets old fast. If you are in a position to buy a car for your kid, keep your Katy auto insurance agent in the loop. They can quickly provide quotes for the various vehicles you are considering. In the meantime, study up on a few things to keep in mind when buying a car for your teenage driver. […]
Teenage Driver Facts
Now that it is time to add your teenager to your auto insurance policy, you are probably thinking that your rates will increase dramatically. Drivers 16 to 19 years of age are in a high-risk demographic, so you definitely can expect your auto insurance company to raise your rates significantly. However, if you seek a quote from an insurance agent from another company, you may find that you will be quoted a rate that is much lower. You can further decrease your rates in Katy, Texas if you ask your insurance company about bundling. You are “bundling” when you purchase […]
Keeping Teens Safer on the Road
According to the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drivers between the ages of 15 and 20 constitute only 6.7 percent of all drivers on the road during a typical year; however, teens in this age range are involved in 14 percent of fatal crashes in the U.S. The higher risks associated with teenage driving have prompted higher car insurance rates for this age group and have led to increased restrictions on driving for younger teens. Higher penalties for traffic violations are also in place in many areas and are intended to provide a deterrent to unsafe driving practices […]
Why Insurance Coverage is So Important
You probably already know that car and homeowner’s insurance policies are pretty much an essential part of life, but you could be wondering if it is possible to skate by without insurance. Although you might be looking for ways to cut costs, it is essential to understand the importance of quality insurance coverage. Not Having Insurance Can Cause Legal Issues Failing to have the insurance that you need can cause a lot of legal issues. In most areas like Katy, Texas., state laws require that you have Katy car insurance on any vehicle that is ever taken on the road. […]