5 Tips for Choosing a Commercial Property Insurance Plan
The macro-economic picture of the United States now looks stronger following the Great Recession that began in 2008. And, as a part of this economic recovery, demand for construction services has begun to grow and commercial property purchases have increased. According to a report on the commercial real estate industry by real estate firm CB Richard Ellis in October 2016, the American industrial market has expanded for 26 consecutive quarters. Three cheers for the recovery! If you are one of the many new or existing owners of commercial property in America, now may be a good time to consider purchasing commercial property insurance to […]
Katy Car Insurance Helps Control Unexpected Expenses
Auto accidents in Katy, Texas can happen on a fairly regular basis. Certified Paralegals Community reports that as many as 6 million car accidents happen per year. Sometimes, these accidents happen through no fault of our own. Unexpected car repairs can be expensive, but people who have Katy car insurance are less likely to feel the financial stress of getting their vehicle repaired. Insurance works to help control unexpected expenses. Because there are many different types of auto insurance policies, you can find one that covers the majority of Houston auto glass and auto body damage you are likely to […]
The Best Type Of Car To Buy For A Teenage Driver
Now that your Katy, Texas teen has completed drivers ed, passed their Texas licensing exam and received their driver’s license, it is time to start thinking about buying another car. Sure, you could share the family vehicle with your teen, but that gets old fast. If you are in a position to buy a car for your kid, keep your Katy auto insurance agent in the loop. They can quickly provide quotes for the various vehicles you are considering. In the meantime, study up on a few things to keep in mind when buying a car for your teenage driver. […]
What to Do When Winter Storms Damage Your Home or Car
Although winter storms in Katy, Texas typically do not produce the significant snowfalls experienced by our neighbors to the north, high winds and other inclement weather events can have a serious impact on homes and cars in our area. Texas is rated second in the nation in terms of property damage caused by severe weather and natural events; the state is estimated to have incurred $23.7 billion in damages between 2006 and 2013. Protecting against these threats by working with your local Katy home owners insurance agency can ensure that you are financially covered against losses due to damage caused […]
Is Your Katy Auto Insurance Providing the Coverage You Need?
If it has been a while since you reviewed the quality of your Katy car insurance, it is time to look things over again. Over time, laws regarding auto insurance change. Available coverage options do too. What worked for you a while ago may be insufficient now. Before visiting a Katy auto insurance provider, do a little research yourself. Familiarize yourself with the terms of your existing policy, and brush up on minimum auto insurance coverage requirements in the state of Texas. Without doing this from time to time, you could inadvertently run afoul of the law, or you could […]
How Traffic Accidents Affect Our Economy
In Katy, Texas we are reminded about how many people have died in motor vehicle accidents within our state by local TV broadcasters. At the end of the year, we get national figures tallied by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The numbers are not pretty. They are stark evidence that no matter how safe a driver you might be, it is more important than ever to have enough Katy car insurance. Although the fatalities are tragic, there is a hidden side to motor vehicle accidents that many people do not even consider. That is the economic impact of […]
Safer Driving Tips
Although modern automotive designs and features have significantly improved vehicle safety, people must still practice safe driving techniques to avoid accidents and other mishaps while on the road. Consider the following driving tips from your Katy auto insurance representatives for staying safe on your next road trip. Plan the Trip Pre-plan your trip so that you can identify rest stops and gas stations along the route. Share your intended route and itinerary with friends and family in the event that you experience problems while on the road. Even if you plan to use a GPS device, ensure that you have […]
What Standard Home Owners Insurance Does Not Cover
If you already have Katy home owners insurance, you are off to a great start. From property loss to fire damage, insurance homeowner plans have your back in all sorts of sticky situations. While a basic plan is a no-brainer, it is also important to remember that standard coverage is not limitless. Not knowing what is not covered in your policy can leave your family vulnerable to a long list of unexpected – and very pricey – repairs. What are Some Problems Not Covered by Standard Home Insurance? 1. Termites Finding a termite infestation is a nightmare scenario for anyone […]
Safer Driving With A Properly Cleaned Windshield
Many Texas drivers overlook their windows when they think about how to make their cars safer, but the simple fact is that clean windows reduce glare and give you a better view of the road and traffic conditions. Katy auto insurance providers recommend that you regularly clean all the glass in your car. You will be surprised by how good your car looks when it is waxed, polished and the windows are crystal clear. It does not take very long to detail your car’s windows, and the extra effort could save your life. The Right Techniques and Products Make the […]
New Technologies Ensure Greater Safety for Auto Drivers
The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently announced that it will begin drafting new regulations aimed at increasing the intercommunication between vehicles on America’s streets and highways. Unlike individual vehicle sensors, these systems use radio wave technologies to relay signals between vehicles within a certain radius. The information transmitted in this way can allow rapid computerized responses to reduce the risk of collisions and to provide automatic braking when required to protect drivers, passengers and automobiles from harm. Many Katy auto insurance companies offer discounts for vehicles with integrated safety features. These new technologies could further reduce the […]